From One Dharma Nashville:
One Day Meditation Retreat July 25
You are invited to join us in a beautiful rural setting for a day of sitting and walking meditation. This day long silent retreat will focus on mindfulness meditation. We will awaken our minds to the present moment by bringing attention to the breath, the sensations in the body and the pleasant and unpleasant states that arise. This practice gradually awakens us to truth of the constantly changing nature of all phenomena, and we learn to respond openly and compassionately to all that arises.
The hours for this retreat are 8:30 – 4:30. The retreat, led by Lisa Ernst, is suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators; it will include sitting and walking meditation, practice instructions, optional interviews and dharma talk. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please bring your own meditation cushion if you have one and two blankets . If you don’t have a cushion, we will have a few extras. Chairs are also available.
Cost: $25, plus dana to the teacher. Scholarships are available. A deposit of $25 is due by Monday July 20. You may bring your deposit to the center during one of our meditation sessions, or mail a check made out to One Dharma Nashville to: 12South Dharma Center c/o One Dharma Nashville, 2301 12th Ave. South, Suite 202, Nashville, TN 37204. The location of this retreat, in west Bellevue, is about 25 minutes from downtown Nashville. Directions to the retreat site and additional information will be provided upon receipt of your deposit. Please email lisa@lisaernst.com with any questions.
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