Friday, February 11, 2011

Snow Day -- No Meeting Tonite

Tonight's meeting is cancelled due to the possibility of icy streets. Let's all stay safe and warm. We'll continue next week with Chapter 6 of Ken McLeod's Book, Wake Up to Your Life. (New books are in for $13.)

For this week, read the Earth Dakini practice and notice the earth element as part of your daily inner and outer life.

Resources for the Dakini Practice have been posted here:

It includes handouts, additional books for study (with links to Amazon), and links to Ken's podcast retreat on the Five Dakinis / Five Elements.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dr. Mario Martinez to speak at First UU Nashville this Sunday, Feb. 6

Dr. Martinez is the founder of biocognitive psychology and a friend of Luminous Mind. He will be speaking at both morning services on February 6, 9 and 11 am. Topic:

 "Archetypal Wounds and their Healing Fields:
How the Mind Communicates with the Body"

When we lack sufficient protective skills, those responsible for shaping our early histories can inflict emotional pain that disrupts the natural development of self valuation. Although these traumatic events occur under different conditions, their biosymbols (symbols affecting biology) remain the same across cultures, and surface
as archetypal wounds.

Drawing from biocognitive science, chaos theory, and ancient Tibetan psychology, Dr. Martinez teaches how to identify the subtle scripts of fear that sabotage our pursuit of joy, and how to establish a foundation of safety that facilitates mind-body healing. As the internal language that supports fear changes, the paralyzing perception of impending defeat is replaced with biosymbolic hope and a predisposition for abundance.

Dr. Mario E. Martinez is a clinical psychologist who lectures worldwide on his theory of Biocognitive Psychology (how cultural beliefs affect the immune system and longevity). He specializes in psychoneuroimmunology and has published numerous professional articles on mind-body psychology. In his psychological novel, "The Man from Autumn," he explores how science and the wisdom of theologian mystics can be converged to treat psycho-spiritual conflicts that can lead to illness. He has investigated cases of alleged stigmata for the Catholic Church, the BBC and National Geographic.

For more details on Biocognitive psychology theory and practice, please go to

For directions to the church, please go to

Thursday, February 3, 2011

This Friday: Dakini Practice Class 1

We're beginning a very exciting and intense section of our study. We will be learning the Dakini Practice as taught by Ken McLeod, as a way of working with the way our reactions manifest. We will be learning the language of the five elements and five dakinis, also known as the five Buddha families. We'll be studying back and forth between the book and Ken's podcast on this subject, integrating the material slowly and surely. This Friday night we will listen to Ken's opening talk on the Five Dakini practice, as given during a week-long retreat.

FEFD01: Five Elements / Five Dakinis (retreat)
Session 1
Dakini practice as a way of refining experience, comparison with Mahamudra practice; dakini practice as tool to raise energy; review of elements in relationship to emotional patterns and as descriptions of experience; nature of dakinis: “know dakinis to be one’s own mind”; symbolic nature of dakinis & relation to wisdom awarenesses; overview of five wisdom awarenesses: evenness (balance), mirror-like, distinguishing, effective action, totality; overview of practice instructions
Duration 01:04:28

New Wake Up to Your Life books are in!

Friday Night Dharma Study -- 7:00 - 9:00 pm
1716A Linden Avenue (door on your right) · door opens at 6:45. We'll start at 7:00 and sit for about 20 minutes, then listen to the teaching, then discuss.

Tomorrow night's weather forecast looks iffy. If we have to cancel, I'll post it here on the Luminous Mind blog. Or feel free to call at 463-2374.